
TelCare has donated over $1.5 million to non-profit organizations in Saskatchewan in the past 5 years.
TelCare was started in 1950 as a way for SaskTel employees to give back to their communities. Over 500 SaskTel employees contribute regularly to the SaskTel TelCare fund through payroll deductions and SaskTel makes an additional donation of $0.50 for every employee dollar donated.
What makes TelCare unique
- There’s no overhead. We’re able to give 100% of funds raised back to the community.
- 50% matching donation from SaskTel means employee contributions go further.
- The ability for employees to choose non-profit groups in their communities to support.
Supporting local charities
Through SaskTel TelCare, our employees reach out to their communities, caring for individuals and families through such worthwhile organizations such as:
- Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan
- The United Way
- Lung Saskatchewan
- Kidney Foundation
- Teddy Bears Anonymous
Every year, TelCare members vote on which registered charities in their communities they would like to support. This means that all money raised in a community stays close to home where members can see how their support is making a difference.
TelCare not only benefits the recipients and the communities they serve, but it also fosters a culture of giving and social responsibility at SaskTel
Charlene Gavel, SaskTel President and CEO