110 years of being SaskTel Proud
110 years of being SaskTel Proud

You don’t get the chance to celebrate something turning 110 years old very often. But this June, you can wish SaskTel a happy birthday as it marks 110 years of doing business right here in Saskatchewan!
Starting out as the province’s Department of Railways, Telegraphs, and Telephones back in 1908, SaskTel has seen its share of change over the years including a few changes to its name. But, the one thing that’s remained the same throughout it all, is the company’s commitment to connecting Saskatchewan to the world.
What’s the secret to SaskTel’s longevity? Don’t tell anyone, but it’s the same thing that powers its success: the amazing employees, both current and past, who’ve shared the company’s vision for building a better and more connected Saskatchewan.
They’ve done a fantastic job of realizing that vision. From its humble beginnings in a time when there was barely 2,000 telephones in the province, SaskTel has evolved into a full-fledged information, communications, and technology (ICT) company that offers the widest breadth of services, and runs the largest owner operated network in the province – and it’s still growing!
SaskTel has never forgotten that its roots run deep in this province. That’s why it continues to play an active part in supporting the communities it serves by providing nearly $3 million to just more than 950 non-profit and charitable organizations, community associations, venues and partnerships in 240 communities across the province.
Ultimately, SaskTel couldn’t have become Saskatchewan’s leading ICT company, do the wonderful things it does in the community, or make it to its 110th birthday without the trust and support of its customers.
So, as SaskTel marks its first 110 years, here’s to you Saskatchewan! We’re looking forward to serving you for 110 more!
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