Community stories

March 29, 2019

The SaskTel Pioneers partner with the CRA and the United Way Regina to help low-income families file their taxes and obtain crucial benefits

Tax season is a time most of us tend to dread, but that can be especially true for those of us who may not have the skills or knowledge to feel confident filling out their tax return.

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March 22, 2019

With a little help from SaskTel’s TelCare fund, Prairie Branches Enterprises Inc. adds some new mechanical muscle to their range of supports for those living with a disability

Many of us take the ability to perform simple day-to-day activities for granted – like being able to drive to and from appointments or visit our loved ones.

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March 18, 2019

Don’t miss your chance to apply for a 2019/20 SaskTel Scholarship!

SaskTel may be the best choice for connecting you to your world, but did you also know it can be the best choice for connecting you to your dreams?

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February 27, 2019

Introducing SaskTel Be Kind Online!

When it comes to cyberbullying, we all know there are no silver bullets capable of slaying this particular monster.

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February 21, 2019

Improvements to Rural Wireless Communications Services a Priority for the Government of Saskatchewan

In December 2017 the Government of Saskatchewan, in partnership with SaskTel, announced a four-phase initiative that will provide rural communities with enhanced access to reliable cellular and high speed internet services

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About community stories

We volunteer, give time and money to great causes, and we partner with caring and visionary Saskatchewan organizations. Check out the latest news in our community stories.

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