Internet and Networks
Customer success stories
Internet and Networks

"What SaskTel infiNET service has done within the office, it has improved our response times, so we can communicate seamlessly between our agents and our support staff, as well as the third parties involved in a real estate transaction. It's so crucial that they get the information correct and on time. We needed the most dependable network and the fastest Internet—and SaskTel delivered."
Nolan Tabashniuk, former Chief Operating Officer
Century 21 Dome Realty®
Read more about Century 21 Dome Realty®.
Watch how infiNET helps serve clients

Kyle Folk is founder of Calian Agriculture and the manufacturer of Bin-Sense™, a wireless remote monitoring system for grain bins that uses SaskTel IoT technology. "I call my grain monitoring system an assurance for producers to know their grain is safe."
Kyle Folk, founder
Calian Agriculture
Read more about Calian Agriculture.
Meet Kyle Folk

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