IT Services
Customer success stories
IT Services
Kinsmen TeleMiracle
COVID-19 challenged local charities to come up with new fundraising ideas. For Kinsmen TeleMiracle, the introduction of the paperless 50/50 draw helped them through the crisis. This video tells the story of Kinsmen TeleMiracle using EchoLotto, an online platform for raffles, charities, and nonprofits to hold province-wide online 50/50s that helps them raise the funds they need to deliver the services they provide.
When the numbers rolled in, the final total ended up being the third highest total ever raised in the 45-year history of TeleMiracle. The solution was backed by SaskTel Cloud Hosting, a service that delivers a managed environment for server equipment.

When the Saskatchewan Roughriders moved into the new Mosaic Stadium, they faced several obstacles. Their former office was in a building that was challenged in terms of technology and they were moving into a new, state-of-the-art facility. They turned to SaskTel because we understand their business needs.
The Roughriders had long been a SaskTel customer and the organization was already enjoying the advantages of Cloud Hosting. It provided a strong starting point to build a custom solution for the team. It provided a strong starting point to build a custom solution for the team. We recommended augmenting their portfolio of SaskTel services with Hosted Collaboration Solution, connecting the entire office with the rest of the world. The Riders also went with Hosted Contact Centre to optimize their resources.
"Whether it's that move to SaskTel's data centre or allowing our fans to contact our ticket office through phone solutions, SaskTel really handles our technology," says Craig Reynolds, President and CEO, Saskatchewan Roughriders. "And that allows us to focus on our business, which is running a football team."
Craig Reynolds, President & CEO
Saskatchewan Roughriders
Meet Craig Reynolds and Ricardo Del Cid

When Canpotex made the decision to move their IT infrastructure to an off-site location, they chose our data centre in Saskatoon and SaskTel Colocation. It was a move that enhanced safety and security, not only for the corporation's systems, but for the entire potash journey to destinations overseas. Ken Seitz, former President & CEO, tells us how this solution "significantly reduced our risks and capital costs."
“We looked in Calgary, Edmonton, and Winnipeg, and yet we were most impressed with SaskTel's data centre.”
Ken Seitz, former President & CEO
Meet Ken Seitz

The City of Regina was looking for a cost effective, reliable, and secure data centre that was accessible to the City’s employees. "The obvious choice at the end of the day was SaskTel Colocation service."
Glen Davies, City Manager
City of Regina
Read more about the City of Regina.

Beyond the convenience and financial benefits provided by SaskTel Cloud Hosting Service, DocClarity also benefits from the security and stability of SaskTel’s world-class HP Signature Certified data centre. Tom is quick to point out that he has never experienced data loss with SaskTel, and that regarding uptime, “they approach, if not maintain, 100% service month after month!”
Tom Frisina, Owner DocClarity
Cleveland, Ohio
Read more about DocClarity.

Alex Morgun stresses that Hospitals are not built to be data centres. Instead, they should be using that space to provide patient care. Transferring their data to the SaskTel Data Centre in Saskatoon has allowed him to give back those rooms to be used as a clinical space. SaskTel Colocation has enabled this and so much more.
Alex Morgun, Director of Information Technology
Saskatoon Health Region
Read more about the Saskatoon Health Region.
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