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Uvagut TV logo

Channel launch: Uvagut TV

Uvagut TV is Canada's first national Inuktut television channel - broadcasting movies, documentaries, cultural programs, current affairs shows, interviews with elders, and 5 hours of daily kids shows. Starting January 20, Uvagut TV will be available to all maxTV and maxTV Stream subscribers.
maxTV: Channels 167 and 467 (HD)
maxTV Stream: Channel 167 (HD)

GameTV logo

Watch GameTV online

GameTV specializes in game-related programming such as game shows, competition-based shows, reality series, and movies. Subscribers to GameTV can now watch it online. Just go to and log in with your mySASKTEL username and password.

Read maxTV terms of service before purchasing this service.

maxTV Lite does not include all Standard channels, Stingray music channels, HD service, multi-room PVR service, or a free set-top box rental. maxTV Intro does not include all Standard channels.

All prices and fees are subject to applicable taxes.

maxTV package prices do not include additional equipment, additional theme packs, channels, equipment, features, pay per view, video on demand rentals, or any other charges incurred for which regular SaskTel rates apply.

To receive HD channels, you must have maxTV HD (included in all maxTV packages, excluding maxTV Lite) and an HD-compatible television. Not all customers are able to receive HD programming due to bandwidth limitations.

Using the maxTV app on a wireless network may incur data charges. Check the wireless terms of service with your provider. SaskTel wireless customers can use the mySASKTEL app to check data usage.

Due to agreements with content providers, some content that is available on your in-home maxTV set-top box may not be available on the SaskTel maxTV app, and not all PVR recordings are viewable on the maxTV app. PVR recordings are available to watch on the maxTV app for 30 days for maxTV subscribers.

New maxTV customer promotions offer free installation. A $99 installation charge is applicable for customers not eligible for a promotion.

All single channels, specialty channels, and specialty channel packages are subject to a 1-month minimum subscription.

The infiNET 1 Gig plan has a maximum download speed of 940 Mbps. With maxTV, up to 60 Mbps is required for TV service depending on the number of set-top-boxes (maximum of 7 on infiNET) and this bandwidth will be allocated from the infiNET 1 Gig plan when maxTV is in use. When maxTV is in use, the maximum download speed available will be 880 Mbps.

Channels and Theme Packs


  • Must be a maxTV or maxTV Stream customer to subscribe to Crave.
  • To access Crave through your mobile device or web browser, you will need to register for mySASKTEL and add your maxTV account (if you haven't already). See Getting started with Crave.
  • maxTV customers can watch Crave on demand through the set-top box or using an Apple TV, smartphone, tablet, or computer.
  • The Crave app can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play.
  • Crave and all associated logos are trademarks of Bell Media Inc. All rights reserved.


HBO® and related service marks are property of Home Box Office, Inc., used under license. All rights reserved. All images, artwork and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


  • Must be a residential maxTV customer with infiNET in order to stream Netflix on your maxTV set-top box.
  • Eligible customers can access Netflix on channel 300 or the TV Apps menu on your maxTV set-top box.
  • Netflix streaming membership required.
  • Customers will be billed directly by Netflix. No Netflix charges will appear on your SaskTel bill.

NFL Sunday Ticket

  • NFL Sunday Ticket does not include Sunday Night Football, Monday Night Football, or Thursday Night Football games.
  • Cancellations unavailable once subscribed.
  • NFL Sunday Ticket is available in HD only.
  • NFL, the NFL Shield™, and NFL Sunday Ticket are registered trademarks of the National Football League and its affiliates. NFL Sunday Ticket is distributed by DAZN Canada.

NHL® Centre Ice™

  • Blackouts and other restrictions apply.
  • NHL® Centre Ice™ is available in HD only.
  • NHL and the NHL Shield are registered trademarks and Centre Ice name and logo and The Game Lives Where You Do are trademarks of the National Hockey League. NHL and NHL team marks are the property of the NHL and its teams. © NHL 2024. All Rights Reserved.
  • When subscribed to continuous subscription, your account will automatically be billed the yearly early bird price for NHL® Centre Ice™, except where prohibited by applicable law. Price is subject to change.


The Sportsnet app is free for every maxTV Standard, maxTV Must Haves, maxTV Next Level, and maxTV Fully Loaded customer and for customers with single-channel subscriptions or a subscription to the Lite Sports pack. Single channel subscribers have access to the following in-app content:

  • Sportsnet single channel subscription: in-app access to Sportsnet East, West, Ontario, and Pacific content
  • Sportsnet 360 single channel subscription: in-app access to Sportsnet 360 content
  • Sportsnet One single channel subscription: in-app access to Sportsnet One content
  • Sportsnet World specialty channel subscription: in-app access to Sportsnet World content

Stingray Karaoke

If subscribing monthly, a minimum 1 month subscription is required.